Agronomy Corner
Welcome to C&M Seeds Agronomy Corner. Find links to many current topics about growing wheat! Are you interested in Red Wheat news and topics about growing this wheat, you came to The right place.
Having a proper plan is one of the biggest keys to being successful with any crop. These articles and tips can help you with your Red Wheat plan.
- Spring Wheat acres in Ontario have always trended like a bit of a roller coaster. 2022 is setting...
- Winter Canola has been gaining in popularity in Ontario, but there is still very few acres. In this article...
- Rotation “It’s your Rotation calling, please continue to include Wheat!”Including wheat in your crop rotation has always felt like...
- Some situations are better suited to certain wheat varieties than others. Looking at yield indexes is only the first step...
- Ontario Wheat Growing Regions Ontario has 4 unique growing areas, separated geographically. There are also similarities in soil types...
- Not only does the winter wheat crop itself provide active roots and soil protection for 10 months of the...
Check back often! These links contain links to videos, pdf’s, and other sources.
- Get Serious about your wheat with our seeding rate calculator Having the correct wheat seeding rate on your fields...
- It is estimated that over 1 million acres of winter wheat were seeded in Ontario this fall, most of...
- What to look for when conducting spring stand assessments Give the plants a chance to wake up. Wait for...
- These charts are guidelines for cereal crops, for calibrating seed drills at various row widths, and determining plant...
- Spring wheat should be the first crop seeded in the spring. It handles cold weather and soils better than...
Fertility can be one of the largest keys to successful yields.
New Data proves that fungicide application and nitrogen have a positive response when used together.
- Manage your wheat with confidence! Use our stand assessment calculator to help narrow down your management practices...
- As the wheat breaks dormancy, every wheat producer should be in their fields conducting a spring stand assessment ...
- Counting Tillers and assessing stands in a wheat crop. It is always best to view the crop from a...
- Growers are always asking which product is better. With equipment innovation, is urea making a comeback?...
- What to look for when conducting spring stand assessments Give the plants a chance to wake up. Wait for...
- There are many different factors that need to be evaluated shooting for BIG wheat yields. Since the fall management...
Pest and Disease Management
Check out the links below to view videos of diseases and pests that affect Ontario wheat.
- With T3 applications quickly upon on us, The Wheat Team has come up with some factors to consider to...
- With all this wet weather, disease concerns start to come into play, and protection against things like septoria, powdery...
- Peter Johnson discusses how to tell when it's time to spray for fusarium....
- It seems that the amount of pests that can have a negative impact on our wheat fields is never...
- In more humid climates, powdery mildew can have a real negative impact on your wheat crop. It is...