Stand Assessment Calculator
Manage your wheat with confidence! Use our stand assessment calculator to help narrow down your management practices in your wheat
Manage your wheat with confidence! Use our stand assessment calculator to help narrow down your management practices in your wheat
As the wheat breaks dormancy, every wheat producer should be in their fields conducting a spring stand assessment to make well informed management decisions such as nitrogen and sulphur programs, fungicide applications and plant growth regulator requirements.
Counting Tillers and assessing stands in a wheat crop. It is always best to view the crop from a mathematical standpoint to determine what kind of yield potential and lodging risk you have. A strong stand of wheat, according to many industry specialists, will have between 55 and 65 good heads per square foot. Having …
Growers are always asking which product is better. With equipment innovation, is urea making a comeback?
What to look for when conducting spring stand assessments Give the plants a chance to wake up. Wait for at least three warm (above 15C) days after the snow goes away. It can be done sooner, but may be difficult to determine the live plants if you look too early. Leave the replant decision as …
There are many different factors that need to be evaluated shooting for BIG wheat yields. Since the fall management strategies such as variety selection, residue management and planting have all been looked after; it is time to start planning the spring management…
Your Hard Red Winter Wheat crop has two jobs to do. Make grain kernels (= YIELD), and produce adequate Protein levels (= GRADE). These two jobs need to be accomplished separately. This article will help you understand how to achieve both goals for your crop!
Protein in Hard Red Wheat Protein is always a factor when producing Hard Red Wheat. Many growers have the same questions: “Why does protein matter to a miller or baker?” “Why didn’t my wheat make protein?” “How can I get protein next year?” Bakers and Millers care about protein in wheat (particularly hard wheat used …