
Wowza Wheat Markets!

The War in Ukraine has created uncertainty in a very significant grain producing region, and the very unfortunate happenings there have created a very significant opportunity for Ontario Wheat Growers. #prosperitygrass

Higher Pricing for Wheat – Is This Happening?

Stories from across the world that are worth paying attention to  If you are on twitter, or pay attention to any agriculture news resource, you have likely heard about the tough times that our Western Canadian wheat producing neighbours are experiencing. Growers throughout the west have experience a harvest like no other, with constant snow threats …

Higher Pricing for Wheat – Is This Happening? Read More »

Wheat Prices are Very Good

You are likely spending a lot of time in a tractor or sprayer seat these days. Don’t worry, we are watching the markets for you, and wheat is in a rally – are you taking advantage? Now is a great time to get a head start on 2019 wheat bookings with great pricing opportunities.