Soft Red Winter Wheat
Swoop – There it is!
Swoop is the newest variety to the C&M Seed line-up. Highly adaptable across Ontario it is a medium-tall variety with lots of straw. Swoop has a strong agronomic package with excellent yields and strong disease resistance.
Swoop is a direct replacement for growers who loved CM 614. This variety is tall with average standability and excellent yield. The performance becomes stronger as you move East in the province. Quebec and Eastern Ontario are
- Tall plant with good lodging resistance
- Good all-around disease package and good fusarium tolerance
- Excellent winter survivability with top yields
Serious Knowledge
Swoop is turning into an area 3 performer. With all of our regional testing, this new variety improves for yield the further east you move. Just remember that tall varieties sometimes need a PGR. Place Swoop in Area 2 or Area 3.