Combine and Header Pre-Season Checks
Wheat Harvest is happening in the south part of Ontario, and will progress quickly through the province. Where we thought the wheat crop was two weeks behind as it came through winter, now we are looking to normal or early harvest window. Amazing how the crop progressed in the heat. On the unfortunate side, in some areas, we are expecting the extreme heat to have limited success of pollination and challenged the ability to build test weight during grain fill. It will be tough to achieve upper end yields this year. On the flip side, we expect quality to be quite good for most part – with only a few counties having to deal with excess rainfall.
When you pull the combine out to harvest your wheat, there is always a list of things that are important to inspect. We posed this question to the service team at Stoltz Sales & Service, and they provided the following comments, from a technician point of view.
Along with the physical operations of the combine, there are many management related tasks that go along with harvest. Last year the GFO featured a great article that encompasses the Data Management, Workload Management, and Employee Management pieces of the puzzle. It is a great article that includes comments from Ontario Farmers.
It can be found at:
Work Safe! Please pass along any of your harvest success stories!