Strong yields with great standability
Excellent disease package
Very fast emergence

The “Speedster” – An Offensive All-Star 

Hilliard is another strong addition to the C&M Soft Red Wheat lineup. This variety is short but sure packs a punch. It has very fast emergence and above industry standard tolerance to all current leaf diseases. Hilliard’s racehorse characteristics make it a great candidate for intensive management; it will respond! It has a light green complexion and tillers well in the fall.  

Growing Areas

Hilliard – Soft Red Wheat appears to fit well across the province. At this point, Hilliard performs well across multiple soil types. However, like any racehorse variety, place on productive soils with good background fertility for optimal performance. Its short stature and standability allow it to handle higher nitrogen and sulpher rates.


Variety Specifications

Seeding Rate 12,400 seeds/lb - LONG TERM AVERAGE or 129 lbs/acre (1.6 M seeds/acre)
Heading Date 154 Days
Height 85 cm
Head Type Bearded
Leaf Structure Slightly Curved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Winter Survivability  7
Standability  8
Leaf Rust  7
Stripe Rust 
Fusarium  7
Test Weight  8
Straw Yield  8

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