Next Steps
The wheat crop is progressing, cold wet weather looms. What is next on the management list?
The wheat crop is progressing, cold wet weather looms. What is next on the management list?
The most asked questions this winter were regarding nitrogen management. With todays environment of high input costs and tight margins, growers are looking for ways to reduce costs and increase yields. Urea and UAN 28% both get the job done but which product is right for you?
Agronomist, Tim Meulensteen CCA-ON, shares his experience of participation through the initial launch years of the Great Lakes YEN.
The London and Ottawa Valley Farm Show were a huge success. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth. Read more to find out who won the draw at each show.
Manage your wheat with confidence! Use our stand assessment calculator to help narrow down your management practices in your wheat
The War in Ukraine has created uncertainty in a very significant grain producing region, and the very unfortunate happenings there have created a very significant opportunity for Ontario Wheat Growers. #prosperitygrass
With T3 applications quickly upon on us, The Wheat Team has come up with some factors to consider to make effective T3 applications.
As the wheat breaks dormancy, every wheat producer should be in their fields conducting a spring stand assessment to make well informed management decisions such as nitrogen and sulphur programs, fungicide applications and plant growth regulator requirements.
Counting Tillers and assessing stands in a wheat crop. It is always best to view the crop from a mathematical standpoint to determine what kind
The number one question lately is “Will my wheat make it?” Learn what The Wheat Team recommends for spring assessments.