Wheat News Plus

For a number of years now, C & M Seeds has been producing The Wheat News printed newsletter – which you are reading right now. We created The Wheat News as a way to share wheat and wheat industry news with our producer audience, giving you tools and information to help run your business. With the mind of furthering this service to our customers, we’ve launched The Wheat News Plus, a digital newsletter that will bring you more great wheat insights.

We know that everyone gets a lot of email, so you may be thinking: “why do I need to sign up for another newsletter?” Here’s what you’ll get with the Wheat News Plus:

  1. Agronomic information for wheat from C & M Seeds’ agronomy team delivered to your inbox a minimum of once per month
  2. Regional, national and international marketing insights for wheat from the C & M Seeds team as well as guest columnists
  3. Agronomic and market alerts with time sensitive information
  4. An inside look at the research and variety development being done at C & M Seeds
  5. Carefully selected guest content on issues shaping the wheat industry
  6. Wheat School agronomic videos
  7. Video, audio interviews and event coverage from the C & M Seeds team

Be on the cutting edge of the wheat industry and sign up for the Wheat News Plus.

Sign up for The Wheat News Plus