The Wheat News

Time to Check your Stands

As the wheat breaks dormancy, every wheat producer should be in their fields conducting a spring stand assessment to make well informed management decisions such as nitrogen and sulphur programs, fungicide applications and plant growth regulator requirements.

Deep Impact!

Growing wheat isn’t just about baking bread. It’s important to include wheat in any crop rotation because it makes all other crops better.

Manipulator Timing

When is the right time to apply Manipulator  Guest article generously provided by Bill Norman, Belchim Crop Protection Canada. Early planted Winter Wheat is now at about growth Stage 30-32. This is the ideal time to apply MANIPULATOR Plant Growth Regulator to limit plant height and strengthen stems to help reduce lodging and protect higher …

Manipulator Timing Read More »

“16 Little Bolts, 1 Big Frustration!”

The Wheat Team has stepped up their game this summer and has purchased a JD 750 no-till drill. The Drill is intended to help in seed production to plant small acres of high pedigree seed as well as support our local dealer network with planting demonstration plots that include our varieties. The moral of the story is that pre-work equipment checks and calibration are important at the start of each planting season. Read more to find out what happened with the 750’s maiden voyage!

Start Clean, Stay Clean

Start Clean, Stay Clean has always been The Wheat Teams recommendation for weed control in winter wheat. With more and more glyphosate resistant weeds and noxious weeds spreading across the province, getting ahead of them and controlling these weeds in the fall is imperative the be successful with your 2020 wheat crop. Read more to find out what The Wheat Team is recommending.

Agricorp “Ready to Help”

It’s been very cold and exceedingly wet, and the wheat does not like it. The amount of termination will be the largest in a generation. Many long term members in the industry can not recall a year when it has ever been this bad. Once in a generation, and hopefully not for another very long time. READ HERE to see how Agricorp fits in to the equation.