
Time to Check your Stands

As the wheat breaks dormancy, every wheat producer should be in their fields conducting a spring stand assessment to make well informed management decisions such as nitrogen and sulphur programs, fungicide applications and plant growth regulator requirements.

Counting Tillers

Counting Tillers and assessing stands in a wheat crop. It is always best to view the crop from a mathematical standpoint to determine what kind of yield potential and lodging risk you have.  A strong stand of wheat, according to many industry specialists, will have between 55 and 65 good heads per square foot.  Having …

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Boots on the ground = Status Report!

It is estimated that over 1 million acres of winter wheat were seeded in Ontario this fall, most of which were seeded into great conditions within the optimum planting window. Now is a good time to reflect on how things are progressing and where we may want to go from here with our winter wheat management. Read more to learn what the Ontario Cereal Specialist observed this fall!